MAY 19: The Exorcist III
Woe betide the horror sequel. Shameless cash-grabs, jumped sharks, studio interference, original cast members who have shuffled off this mortal coil and must be replaced, beloved fictional characters who have shuffled off this mortal coil and must be shamelessly resurrected, quick turns to comedy, non sequitur plots masquerading as a member of the franchise, sheer absurdity – the unnecessary horror sequel has had it all. And of all these lowly films, why have I spent the last six months with such a fascination for The Exorcist III ? Is it the famous jump scare? The vague buzz about its reevaluation in the horror fandom community, possibly as a result of the Shout Factory released director’s cut that entered the world in 2016? The fact that the only thing I knew about this movie was that it had the zodiac killer in it for some reason? Regardless, at some point in the past six months, I announced my intention to watc...